Name of Organization

Main address

Other addresses (branches and etc.)

The number of employees

Representative Person (Duties, Name, Surname)

Phone number (-s), e-mail, website address

Certification scope (please indicate the products/ sertices and the related business processes.
The certificate will indicate the scope of certification based on this information. For example: car manufacturing and sales)

Please provide additional information about the activities carried out if the Organization is a part of the Group

Names of the unit (-s) and temporary activity locations Adresss Unit activities (for example: administration, production, warehouse and etc.) The number of employees Distribution of shifts, employees
Total number of employees:

The Unit is an additional place of work (department, branch and etc.), located elsewhere (other address) and is a subject of management system requirements.
Temporary activity place - the place where the activities of the Organization are carried out (for example: construction site, place of acceptance of the goods and etc.)

Please submit the rest of the information here if there are more divisions or temporary job titles:

Desired management system (-s)
(-os) (mark X)
Permissions required for activities, license and etc. Subcontracting activities
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
BS OHSAS 18001:2007

Please provide information on specific activities, work environment and other factors which affect the certification activities:
9001:2015 – is the service/ product design (development) carried out?
14001:2015 – environmental aspects of operation and their environmental impact (for example: waste and etc.)?
1977:2008 – health and safety risks (for example: toxic materials and etc.)?

Please provide this information if the Organization management system is certified:
ISO 9001:2015 The Certification Body The Certificate valid to:
ISO 14001:2015 The Certification Body The Certificate valid to:
BS OHSAS 18001:2007 The Certification Body The Certificate valid to:
Kita The Certification Body The Certificate valid to:

Please indicate the name of Consulting Company (consultant) if you used these services

The Organization is ready for certification (indicate the date when the management system will be installed and operational)

The dates of the last internal audit and management review
